Buffets are the worst diet killers available. Especially those at a potluck dinner or on board a cruise ship. You want to taste everything and by the time you are done, you've loaded a plate with enough calories and fat and sodium to fulfill your dietary needs for a month. Don't hit the buffet without some sort of plan to avoid overeating.
First, instead of grabbing a plate and getting right in line, scope out the array of goodies available. If there's something you just gotta have, make a mental note. Otherwise, look for those things like veggies (that aren't swimming in cream sauce or butter), fruit dishes (fresh cut fruit without syrup), and lean meats (like chicken or turkey) or fish.
If a small plate is available, take it. It will help to keep you from piling on more than you need. Work your plan--that one special treat and some of those better choices.
Do not return to the buffet. I repeat: DO NO RETURN TO THE BUFFET. If you sit and sip your soft drink and/or coffee, you will eventually feel satisfied. They say it takes about 20 minutes for your mind to get the message that your tummy is full.
Allow yourself one sweet treat. Again, plan ahead. You don't want to grab the brownie and then see your favorite Christmas cookie at the end of the table and it's a "just gotta have."

Midnight buffets are almost a thing of the past on cruise ships as more and more people are becoming diet conscious. Once in a while there's a decadent chocolate buffet, or a fruit buffet, but for the most part, not too many are offered. At Christmas time, however, we experienced a beautiful huge buffet on the Queen Mary 2. There was a table that stretched throughout the main hall with Santa and his reindeer posed as if pulling all the goodies behind them. Everything from shrimp to sushi to beef Wellington to chocolate houses and confectionery delights. I may have overindulged on that one--just a bit.
How do you work a buffet?
(All buffet pictures are from our Christmas cruise on the Queen Mary 2 in 2004.)
Keep those comments coming on our blog tour! It's like getting dozens of Christmas cards in September!! Here are today's hosts.
A buffet is a great way to try foods, you've never tried, but usually I just eat what I know I like, so not to waste. I start at the salad bar and work my way down. :)
I wish I would have had these wonderful tips last July! LOL
Have a great weekend.....Cindi
Oh, I'd love a chance to win your holiday basket give away. that looks so cool.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
What a FUN blog! Sooo many wonderful ideas... Thanks very much for sharing!
I'd love a chance to win your give-away! pearlsjourney(at)hotmail(dot)com
Just read about your book over at 2nd cup of coffee! Sounds like a great book! Really enjoyed your blog!
As a former meeting room leader for Weight Watchers, I have to tell you that your tips are excellent. People have to know how to handle real-life, everyday situations like buffets. Also, I have posted my portion of the blog tour today at my site. I don't know if I'm eligible or not to win the give away, but if so, please include me!
I am popping over from 2nd Cup of Coffee...and what a great blog!
My hubby and I recently ate at a buffet style restaurant. I usually hate them because I come away feeling stuffed, but this time I employed many of the tips you offered here, and I ended up feeling satisfied but not overly full. It is possible not to over-indulge...I'm so glad you posted about this!
chocolate buffet now that would be right down my lane. I'd love to win this delightful book and basket.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
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