Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fat's Where It's At!

Hey there! This is Brenda, one of your six A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts authors.

My dearest childhood friend has always fought the uphill battle with weight. Even as a teen she was obese. But her terrific attitude and fun, positive behaviors made her a joy to be with. She used to say, "Fat's where it's at and I got it." You had to love her. Today, ah hem years later, we're still "bestest buds."

This doesn't mean I encourage overeating nor obesity - but it is a fact of modern life.

If you're wanting to watch your weight and are open to a preventative overeating tip, have I got one for you. Eat more! Yep, that's what I said. Now, I don't mean eat more in quantity, but more often. Consuming six small meals throughout your day keeps your metabolism running at optimum caloric-burning levels so you don't crash with starvation and overeat. Studies prove that eating small meals prevents people from gorging themselves at a scheduled meal, and feeling so satisfied they even lose weight! By small, I mean one fist-sized apple or a serving of cheese with a few crackers or a 6-ounce container of low-fat yogurt. Honestly, you'll find you don't eat as much if you eat more often.

During the holidays when the temptation is to overeat at parties or binge at a family meal, try nibbling on something about an hour before. It proves what Mom used to say, "You'll spoil your appetite!"

Tell us your best tip to avoid overeating during the holidays?

Leave your tip here and then go on to visit these bloggers today and leave a comment to increase your chances of winning our Christmas Basket!


Sarah said...

One thing I do is indulge, but be discerning. For instance, if the cinnamon rolls have been in the baker's case a little too long, don't eat them just because they are there. If you are going to spend calories, make them GOOOOOD!! I taste, evaluate, and then either enjoy or toss.

And, of course, I keep up with my own Fitness Fridays! :-)

Dina said...

For me, if I don't bake, I won't eat lots of sweets. I love holiday meals, but really don't make alot, so I don't think I over eat. :)

Otherwise, it's ok to eat something, just not alot.

Cathy Messecar said...

Sarah, I didn't get by to see you in Abilene. I'm wimpering. I don't know where all the time went...I'm still working on the retreat if we can find a place. I talked to Tammy about it. Thanks for stopping by the blog tour. Your name will go into the drawing...

Dina, you really are making the rounds...thanks so much...tell your friends...Cathy Messecar, co-author of A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts...

Raquel said...

My best tip is to carry a bottle of water with me - everywhere. That way, I can avoid high-cal drinks and I feel fuller and don't eat as much. Please count me in on the giveaway!

JT42 said...

I eat smaller meals through the day and then when I go to parties I am not hungary, so I don't want as much. I also use the smallest plate there.

windycindy said...

My dad has always said to eat several small meals during the day. I like to drink a lot of water during the day and I eat less. Also, eating carrot and celery sticks helps me out. Thanks, Cindi

Charlotte said...

Drink water instead of punch or other beverages that have a lot of calories.

Also, it's ok to try everything, but just get a little bit of each thing without loading up your plate.

pse said...

What great tips. Now if I can just remember them all.

apple blossom said...

Love the tip eat more. cute. I'd love to win this book and basket.

Deb Chuvalas said...

Even after 40 years we are still bestest buds. And I still like to eat, However I am not obese like I was when I was younger. And when I get hungry I crave protein as in meat and fish. Not sweets and chocolate. I love your new book and have bought several for my 3 daughters and my Doctor who saved my life. I know they will cherish the book for years to come.And we will always remain Bestest Buds. Much love, DEb