Hey all you Scrapbookers or Christmas lovers or both ~ this is Brenda Nixon, one of the six authors on a fabulous little giftbook, A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts. Today, it's my turn to share a bit 'o my bio.
Back in 1996 (wow, that sounds ancient), I was working for the Kansas City, Missouri School District as a Certified Parent Educator and lovin' it! But I felt a divine guidance to start a speaking profession to parents and go beyond the school district boundaries. I resigned from my job and launched a humble, vertical learning curve as a professional speaker on childrearing.
My mission was (and still is) to empower parents with education and encouragement. After speaking for a few years, I realized the marriage between speaking and the written words that go beyond the platform. So, I accepted my first columnist job, for a local publication, sharing parenting tips. More writing assignments followed and eventually my first book. Along the way I wrote for compilations including Chicken Soup for the Soul, Humor for a Sister's Heart, and The Art of Helping.
Although my "calling" is to help parents in their sacred and enormous task, I enjoy occasionally writing on other topics like some of the "firsts" in A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts. Did I say this is a fabulous book? I don't want to be one-dimensional as a person or in my profession. My way of developing multi-dimensions is by occasionally speaking at industry events on writing or to present on-site trainings to licensed childcare providers.
My mission was (and still is) to empower parents with education and encouragement. After speaking for a few years, I realized the marriage between speaking and the written words that go beyond the platform. So, I accepted my first columnist job, for a local publication, sharing parenting tips. More writing assignments followed and eventually my first book. Along the way I wrote for compilations including Chicken Soup for the Soul, Humor for a Sister's Heart, and The Art of Helping.
Although my "calling" is to help parents in their sacred and enormous task, I enjoy occasionally writing on other topics like some of the "firsts" in A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts. Did I say this is a fabulous book? I don't want to be one-dimensional as a person or in my profession. My way of developing multi-dimensions is by occasionally speaking at industry events on writing or to present on-site trainings to licensed childcare providers.
To date, I've spoken at parenting or family events from VA to CO -- still waiting for that invite to Hawaii. I've contributed to 23 books, the fabulous A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts is ready to run off the press, and my newest parenting title, The Birth to Five Book: Confident Childrearing Right From the Start (Revell) releases January '09. In my spare professional time, (what's that?) I teach a class I designed "How to Get Published," give media interviews, serve as the parenting expert for a couple websites, and offer quotes for publications. . . and, hmm, I'm probably forgetting something.
On the homefront; my best friend, Paul, who is also my husband, and I have been married 30 years (this November)! Yikes, that makes me sound ancient (Hmm, let's say I have years of wisdom). We're blessed with -- and proud of our -- two lively, fun daughters, Lynsey and Laura. I love being a mom! Our family also includes Opie, a miniature dachshund. We all live in Ohio in a small town I teasingly refer to as Mayberry (that explains our dog's name). I like scrapbooking, all things Christmas, garage sales, working in my yard, bicycling, and baking.
'Nuf about me, do you have a dog or kids or both? Share a bit and let's get acquainted!
Brenda, neat bio; I've been eager to read it this week.
Let's see, I don't have any pets and children are now adults, but I enjoy the Christmas season, the goodwill, and the festive break from routine...CM
Thanks for your kind remarks. Say if you want a pet or kids, let me know. . . I can ship 'em down to you.
What a great photo of you speaking!
So you and Paul have been married 30 years. Don;t feel old. Just blessed, my dear. He is a fantastic guy.
Hope you have a wonderful time at ICRS, and know we will be praying for you.
Co-Author, SOCF
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