Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Brenda's Bio

Hey all you Scrapbookers or Christmas lovers or both ~ this is Brenda Nixon, one of the six authors on a fabulous little giftbook, A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts. Today, it's my turn to share a bit 'o my bio.

Back in 1996 (wow, that sounds ancient), I was working for the Kansas City, Missouri School District as a Certified Parent Educator and lovin' it! But I felt a divine guidance to start a speaking profession to parents and go beyond the school district boundaries. I resigned from my job and launched a humble, vertical learning curve as a professional speaker on childrearing.

My mission was (and still is) to empower parents with education and encouragement. After speaking for a few years, I realized the marriage between speaking and the written words that go beyond the platform. So, I accepted my first columnist job, for a local publication, sharing parenting tips. More writing assignments followed and eventually my first book. Along the way I wrote for compilations including Chicken Soup for the Soul, Humor for a Sister's Heart, and The Art of Helping.

Although my "calling" is to help parents in their sacred and enormous task, I enjoy occasionally writing on other topics like some of the "firsts" in A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts. Did I say this is a fabulous book? I don't want to be one-dimensional as a person or in my profession. My way of developing multi-dimensions is by occasionally speaking at industry events on writing or to present on-site trainings to licensed childcare providers.

To date, I've spoken at parenting or family events from VA to CO -- still waiting for that invite to Hawaii. I've contributed to 23 books, the fabulous A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts is ready to run off the press, and my newest parenting title, The Birth to Five Book: Confident Childrearing Right From the Start (Revell) releases January '09. In my spare professional time, (what's that?) I teach a class I designed "How to Get Published," give media interviews, serve as the parenting expert for a couple websites, and offer quotes for publications. . . and, hmm, I'm probably forgetting something.

On the homefront; my best friend, Paul, who is also my husband, and I have been married 30 years (this November)! Yikes, that makes me sound ancient (Hmm, let's say I have years of wisdom). We're blessed with -- and proud of our -- two lively, fun daughters, Lynsey and Laura. I love being a mom! Our family also includes Opie, a miniature dachshund. We all live in Ohio in a small town I teasingly refer to as Mayberry (that explains our dog's name). I like scrapbooking, all things Christmas, garage sales, working in my yard, bicycling, and baking.

If you aren't bored yet, you can read more about me at

'Nuf about me, do you have a dog or kids or both? Share a bit and let's get acquainted!


Cathy Messecar said...

Brenda, neat bio; I've been eager to read it this week.

Let's see, I don't have any pets and children are now adults, but I enjoy the Christmas season, the goodwill, and the festive break from routine...CM

Brenda Nixon, Author and Speaker said...

Thanks for your kind remarks. Say if you want a pet or kids, let me know. . . I can ship 'em down to you.

Trish Berg said...


What a great photo of you speaking!

So you and Paul have been married 30 years. Don;t feel old. Just blessed, my dear. He is a fantastic guy.

Hope you have a wonderful time at ICRS, and know we will be praying for you.

Co-Author, SOCF