Leslie Wilson here, the other Texan in the group. I’m so glad to welcome you to the VERY FUN blog for A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts.
Here’s a picture of me in Cancun with my kiddos.

My family lives about 30 minutes east of Dallas in Rockwall. Hubby Bret and I married in August of 1988, so you math whizzes out there—and maybe even some of you regular folks—have figured out we have a big anniversary coming up soon.
I’m blessed to be mom to Charlie, Molly and Reese—all teenagers, who keep me hopping. In fact, this weekend, we travel to College Station (where Texas A & M University is) to watch Charlie play in the state 7 on 7 Football Championship, then on to Round Rock (an Austin suburb) for Reese’s baseball world series.
We live in a new home we built to look old and one of my favorite things is decorating for Christmas. With our wood floors, oak beams and wood trim throughout, we feel like we’re Little House in Suburbia. See?

OK, I’m supposed to share a bit about my writing and speaking background. Been doing both for as long as I can remember; in fact, I recently found an old interests’ survey I took as a ninth grader. My areas of highest interest were literary and entertainment! Professionally-speaking, I’ve been at this since 1999.
At the largest Christian writers conference in the world, Mount Hermon CWC, I found my voice—that intangible element of my writing that distinguishes me from every other writer out there. I stopped trying to be my very good friend Mary DeMuth—whose stuff you MUST read—and started writing as me.
For nearly four years, I’ve penned a weekly humor column called “Reality Motherhood” for the Dallas-area Star Community Newspapers (circulation 100,000). My family provides me with a seemingly endless supply of information, and threatening—er, promising to share their missteps in my next column has become my favorite—not to mention, most effective—discipline tool.
Wilson family misadventures have also appeared in compilations including Hearts at Home’s new release, I’m Glad I’m a Mom, Chicken Soup for the Mother of Preschooler’s Soul, and both of The Groovy Chicks’ Road Trip books. My freelance background includes publication in dozens of parenting magazines, including Baton Rouge Parent, Washington Families, South Florida Parenting, About Families, and Focus on the Family’s Focus on Your Child—Early Stages.
I am truly blessed to connect with thousands of women each year speaking at Hearts at Home Conferences, MOPS groups, Early Childhood PTAs, Mothers of Multiples, and area women’s conferences and retreats. My favorite topics include “Kid Boot Camp: Teaching Children to Be Responsible,” “No More Cookie-Cutter Kids: Target Your Parenting to Your Unique Child,” and “Home Fires: Keep Sparks of Passion in Your Marriage.” I launched an e-newsletter, “Dose of Reality” on Mother’s Day 2008. I also share mothering mishaps and insights—or lack thereof—with friends and fans at http://www.realitymotherhood.blogspot.com/. My favorite endorsement of my speaking came from a young mom who wrote “Leslie’s funny—with a point.”
I’ve so enjoyed working on A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts with the other Word Quilters. They all bring unique talents to the project, and I’ve learned so much from each of them.
I’ve met Trish—at a MOPS convention:

And Cathy and Karen—both in town on business:

On a personal level, I enjoy working out. In fact, I get kind of crabby if I don’t make it to the gym or go on my walk. I’m currently training for my first triathlon. (Please don’t laugh!) I love bargains—garage sales, flea markets, Ross! I like to read, particularly books by authors I know. Finally, my favorite vacations are going to the beach (in summer) and the mountains (in winter). Having grown up in Evergreen, Colorado, there’s nothing more Christmas-y than a fresh blanket of snow and a quiet walk in the tall pines. Talk about connecting with God!
Well, I’d better let you go. You’ve ignored the phone and/or kids long enough, and I need to go spend some time with my dear husband. After all, we want to make it to 25 years of marriage! Can’t wait to talk again soon.

On a personal level, I enjoy working out. In fact, I get kind of crabby if I don’t make it to the gym or go on my walk. I’m currently training for my first triathlon. (Please don’t laugh!) I love bargains—garage sales, flea markets, Ross! I like to read, particularly books by authors I know. Finally, my favorite vacations are going to the beach (in summer) and the mountains (in winter). Having grown up in Evergreen, Colorado, there’s nothing more Christmas-y than a fresh blanket of snow and a quiet walk in the tall pines. Talk about connecting with God!
Well, I’d better let you go. You’ve ignored the phone and/or kids long enough, and I need to go spend some time with my dear husband. After all, we want to make it to 25 years of marriage! Can’t wait to talk again soon.
Lelsie, what a neat idea we had to do a blog! Pat, pat, pat ourselves on the back. I'm learning even more about you co-authors.
Weighing in -- I keep a scale in pathway in our home that we use everyday. Since I pre-tested andpre-tasted all the cookie recipes in A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts, I'm walking around the scale until I walk off a few more pounds.
I LOVE the picture of your house. ANd yes, it does look like old fashioned.
You and Cathy and myself all live in rural areas....very neat. Though mine comes with cattle. ANd flies. But those go with the cattle.
I so remember meeting you at MOPS years ago, and what I remember most is your sparkling energy. You, my dear, are like the energizer battery.
And I am so blessed to know you and work with you on this project.
And you got the blog thing to work!!!! Good for you,
Hugs, my dear, Trish
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