At this blog, you'll be hearing from the six co-authors of A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts. Each week through January, we'll inspire, give ideas, or share hints for simplifying the holidays and connecting with family and friends.
This week, we're introducing the co-authors, and I drew the short straw and get to go first. Here's a bit about me.
I live outside of Montgomery, Texas, the birthplace of the Texas flag. From our rural farm, Leaning Tree Acres, we own and operate a trucking company, delivering rock and alfalfa. My husband and I have two children and five grandchildren. Many in our extended family live nearby. We eat some meals together. It's not Walton's Mountain, but we are Walton-ish.
I authored The Stained Glass Pickup, a devotional book, and I'm a six-year newspaper columnist for The Courier, Conroe, TX, have taught women’s Bible classes, speak at women's renewals and organizations such as garden clubs, Retired Teachers, MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) and writing guilds. I freelanced for The Houston Chronicle, Christian Woman, Sisterhood, Power for Today, and the Pen & Sword Newsletter for the Amy Foundation. I also guest write at blogs and Web sites including New Wineskins Magazine Blog. My inspirational writings appear in other devotional compilation books, too.
My interests include family and friends, snooping around antique fairs, collecting old linens, serving tea from my teapots and cups, and of course Christmas and writing.
At this blog, you'll be hearing from the six co-authors of A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts. Each week through January, we'll inspire, give ideas, or share hints for simplifying the holidays and connecting with family and friends.
This week, we're introducing the co-authors, and I drew the short straw and get to go first. Here's a bit about me.
I live outside of Montgomery, Texas, the birthplace of the Texas flag. From our rural farm, Leaning Tree Acres, we own and operate a trucking company, delivering rock and alfalfa. My husband and I have two children and five grandchildren. Many in our extended family live nearby. We eat some meals together. It's not Walton's Mountain, but we are Walton-ish.
I authored The Stained Glass Pickup, a devotional book, and I'm a six-year newspaper columnist for The Courier, Conroe, TX, have taught women’s Bible classes, speak at women's renewals and organizations such as garden clubs, Retired Teachers, MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) and writing guilds. I freelanced for The Houston Chronicle, Christian Woman, Sisterhood, Power for Today, and the Pen & Sword Newsletter for the Amy Foundation. I also guest write at blogs and Web sites including New Wineskins Magazine Blog. My inspirational writings appear in other devotional compilation books, too.
My interests include family and friends, snooping around antique fairs, collecting old linens, serving tea from my teapots and cups, and of course Christmas and writing.
(The photo is Cathy signing the book contract with Leafwood Publishers for A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts.)
Christmas in July is a phrase that's become common. For those of you who craft your Christmas for others, have you started on a special project for someone this December?
I can hardly believe that this day is here. What a journey we have been on to create this amazing book, website and now the blog...
I am excited to be able to share all we know and our lives with readers everywhere through this blog.And to hear back from them as well.
Yes, it is Christmas in July here, and I may make a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows to sip, even though its 89 degrees outside!
Blessings to you all,
Trish Berg
Only 89 outside. It's 94 here, feels like 97. But that's decent for us. It's already hit 100 a few times.
Hmm. I'm sippin' ice tea today.
Hi Cathy,
I love how you wrote that while you aren't the Waltons, you are Walton-ish.
Hurray, the blog is Christened today, like when a ship is built and a celebration is held as it slips into the water for the first time.
Cheers to all,
Terra co-author
Yes, it's nice to be have theblog officially launched. I'm eager to read all of co-author's tips over the next few months.
And, Cathy, you are the cutest thing next to Santa himself!
Excited to partner with you--and the other Word Quilters--on this amazing journey.
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