Searching for just the right gift? Does someone on your list seem to have everything already? Haven't a clue what to give? Then try a gift certificate! Almost every store, business, or trade offers holiday gift cards.
One Christmas we gave each of my daughters a gift certificate to a Christian bookstore. Another year, when my daughter was into crochet we gave her a certificate to a sewing store. My husband is happy to select his "man gift" when given a certificate to a hardware store, Low'es or Home Depot. Starbucks cards are welcomed anytime.
No need to get in a tizzy about what to give . . . just grab a gift certificate next time you're at the store. Of course, a long-lasting, unique and welcomed gift - under $20 - is a signed copy of A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts. *wink* You can go to any of our websites and order your an autographed copy.
Brenda Nixon, Co-author, A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts
Do you want your December trimmed in "all is calm"? But you still long for a bit of jingle and whimsy in your days? Load up right here on holiday spirit and hints to usher in a tranquil celebration. One-stop-blogging. Join The Word Quilters as we unveil easy ways to celebrate this season of hope.
This blog is inspired by co-authors of the gift book, A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts ~ Stories to Warm Your Heart and Tips to Simplify Your Holiday by Cathy Messecar, Trish Berg, Terra Hangen, Brenda Nixon, Karen Robbins and Leslie Wilson.
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