I know I am a little old to write to you, but even at 41, I feel like a kid inside at Christmas. So I decided to write to you and ask you for what I truly wanted this year.
So, Santa, would you please bring me a cappuccino machine. I just think having one would make me happy.
And if I could have a sweet cup of cappuccino in the mornings, I might be able to wake up without feeling grumpy that my alarm went off at 6 am.
And if I don't feel grumpy, then I am less likely to yell at my children when they can;t find their tennis shoes on gym day or forgot that they needed a special packed lunch for their field trip.
If I don't yell at my children in the mornings, they are more likely to concentrate and do well in school, paying attention to their teachers and remembering their homework assignments.
If they are more likely to remember their homework assignments, then my husband and I won;t have to harp on them about not getting their homework done and our evenings will go smoother.
If our evenings go more smoothly, then we can actually sit down and have a peaceful family dinner.

As we sit down to have a peaceful family dinner, our children will be more likely to open up about their day, sharing about the ups and downs about their lives, opening up their hearts.
As our children open up their hearts to us, we are more likely to know how we should best parent them and love them, all the while guiding them closer to God and His will for their lives.
And once the kiddos are all tucked into bed at night, I can lay my head on the pillow, and say a prayer of thanks to God for the blessings I have been given to be a wife and mom.
Then again, as much as I would love for you to bring me a cappuccino machine, maybe I can simply pray for God to make me the mom my children need me to be.
But the sweet cappuccino would be a nice touch, if you don't mind.
Sincerely, Trish
P.S. Yes, I have been a very good girl....well, most of the time :)
P.S.S. To EMAIL Santa for FREE with your kiddos, go to
www.EmailSanta.com You even get a response from Santa,
and can track his trek around the world on Christmas Eve.
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